Photo by: Wolfskull Creative
Process and seeking drive my work. With handwork as my language, repetitive movements become a meditation that opens my senses to symbolism & metaphor, intrinsic knowing & learned not-knowing, and the fluid thread of time.
Working with basic, stock materials, I consider what it means to find new ways. I misuse tools, intentionally do things incorrectly, and challenge the very binary structure that we are FORCED into. How can we shift our positions to unite in a FORCE for meaningful change? How do we begin to see, and live, beyond the line that was drawn for us?
My most recent completed project UNWEAVING, explores the ways that tradition, culture, communities, and individuals are unwoven when we are disconnected from our foundation of ancestral history, when we don’t know our stories, or when painful truths are suppressed or not acknowledged. How does the accumulation of trauma on our BLOODLINE influence the expression of our genes? What have I inherited that I’m not even aware of? A different unweaving can loosen us from perpetuating unconscious behavior patterns, make sense of our position in the larger social fabric, and enable reweaving a more honest and equitable future.
Through physical motions and conceptual notions of weaving, I explore unweaving – not as a desired destination but a practice and process for moving forward and meeting the world as it actually is. As the seasons mark the life cycle of nature, are we also enacting a cycle of repeated attitudes, biases, aggressions, and coping behaviors on micro and macro levels? How do white bodies, in particular, wake-up and engage the work meant for them in order to create a culture of unweaving from white supremacy?
My most recent installation PAST PRESENT will invite individuals into a space of reflection. If connection to our past is veiled for the sake of assimilation to the systems of the powerful, how do we break free from patterns that only ensure that our future is behind us?
I am flowing and moving in the direction of making work that creates space for individuals to embody new recognition of the ancient knowing they possess inside, in order to increase awareness of their role in today.